My name is Beverley. I have two sons who help me to stay in tip top cardio health as they keep me on my feet and my heart racing from their appetite for danger.
I am a birthing doula, which means l am usually part of the motherhood journey at about 32 weeks until post birth. This means I journey with the mum from pregnancy, labour, birthing and breastfeeding. When I view the various achievements I have attained through and by my involvement with Mamandla, I do not credit it to myself as an individual, but the greater group for we have moved as a unit and made waves as a unit. My journey with Mamandla has planted so many fruit bearing seeds in my life. l got to meet like-minded, yet diverse women, with a shared agenda to positively transform the journey of a woman before and beyond motherhood.
l am so grateful for having been and continuing to be a part of a movement that not only empowers other women but me as a Fellow. I can confidently say I have “The Mamandla glow and not afraid to show it!”