A Love Note from Ruth Mathys
Some days we try hard, and some days we try less, and that’s okay!
Some days we try hard, and some days we try less, and that’s okay!
However our babies are born, I believe that it is one of the holiest things that we can experience as women. We can bring life in and move between worlds!
I want to remind you that you are doing an exceptional job during this time. As long as your kids are happy and you are happy.
Perfecting this thing called motherhood looks different for everyone. Some days it’s planned lessons and home cooked meals and other days it’s 2min noodles, screen time and hiding in the bathroom to have a snack.
‘Doing your best’ will look different every day. On Monday, ‘my best’ was cereal for supper. Some days my ‘best’ is skipping lessons and letting YouTube babysit while I finish my work.
Jou woorde gaan le diep in my, onthou sonder jou sou ek nie hier wees nie.
You are your best asset and the best of you is what your kids need.
There’s no role more essential, especially in the times that we are living in, than motherhood.
Ma…the first word we utter in recognition of our Source in heaven and earth.
I wish you a motherhood journey of love, laughter, beauty, courage, hope and deep gratitude for the lessons and rewards that come from it one way or another.