November is World Prematurity Month. To honour and support the moms of preemies, we are sharing stories of moms who’ve been there and who can offer support from the other side of a long road. This is Tania’s story.
Tell us about the day your baby was born.
My water broke in the early hours of the morning – 9 weeks too early. I was administered steroids and an emergency C-section was scheduled for the next morning. I spent the night feeling my baby move and listening to his heartbeat on the ECG machine. We were told that his odds were good. The next day, I gave birth to a beautiful little boy who weighed 1.9 kg. He struggled to breathe so I didn’t have much of a chance to hold him. He was rushed to the NICU and I only saw him again much later that evening.
Can you describe some of the emotions you experienced during the early days and weeks with your baby?
Do you have any words of encouragement for a mom who is currently waiting for her baby to come home?
Stay strong and hopeful. Keep informed too. Make sure the doctors are keeping you in the loop. And always remember to only panic when the nurses do. Otherwise every beep will drive you crazy!
What a beautiful, bitter sweet story. Thank you for having the courage to share your journey and still give hope to other mommies. May your angel baby rest in peace. #preemieconnect