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Roeline Van Eck

Sometimes before you can be a ‘mover and shaker’ you need to be moved and shaken. And that’s my story.

After a difficult pregnancy with my youngest, I welcomed him into the world early. With a full heart and empty arms, I had to leave him in the NICU for 6 weeks. It is because of this intensely difficult and lonely road that I swore I would show up for other moms. I knew I had to reach out to support because no one should ever have to carry the load alone. While I am nowhere near where I want to be, I know that being an active supporter is a start.

Motherhood. There really is no place like it. It’s like this beautiful place where we don’t need to know each other to feel connected. We don’t need to have all the same shared experiences to understand. It’s a place where even if you might not have walked in another mother’s shoes, you can still choose to walk alongside her and with your mere presence make her load lighter. Because we all know the blessing and burden of selfless love motherhood will always unite us. That is what the Mamandla Fellowship has meant for me. It’s not just a social group of yummy mummies. We’re sisters here. We move and shake because we too have been moved and shaken.

That is what the Mamandla Fellowship has meant for me. It’s not just a social group of yummy mummies. We’re sisters here. We move and shake because we too have been moved and shaken.

roeline van eck