Embrace, the movement for mothers, seeks to employ an advocacy and communications strategist. This is a senior-level, full-time post. The successful candidate will join a small, dynamic team that serves as the engine of a national network-driven movement.
This person will be responsible for the following:
- Developing and implementing communications and public relations strategies that complement and support Embrace initiatives
- Developing and maintaining a roster of media contacts for Embrace
- Identifying and nurturing Embrace community members who may serve as spokespeople for the movement
- Identifying unique opportunities to showcase Embrace issues and drive forward Embrace agenda points
- Developing communication tools that will diversify and increase Embrace’s audience and reach, and capacitate movement members to support mothers in their own communities
We are looking for someone who:
- Is able to contribute and drive strategic processes to drive forward the agenda of Embrace
- Is able to develop communications for diverse audiences (eg: board members, community-level)
- Has strong writing skills
- Has strong public speaking skills
- Is willing and able to speak in public forums on a range of issues when called upon to represent Embrace’s viewpoints
- Is able to leverage a wide range of communications tools/modes for development
- Has proven experience in social justice advocacy, including planning and participating in creative demonstrations for change
- Has at least mid- to upper-level experience in communications and/or media management and strategy
- Is able to thrive in a small team environment
- Is able to work independently
The following are not essential, but are advantageous:
- Proficiency in WordPress and other content management systems
- Fluency in multiple South African languages
- Experience in mainstream South African journalism
- Able to understand research and communicate complex data for wide audiences
If you are interested and think you fit the bill, please apply by submitting a 1-page cover letter, and a CV (please include 3 contactable references), to cv@embrace.org.za by Friday, 9 July 2021. Please use the subject line: “Advocacy & Communications Strategist application”. Please do not submit any other documentation.