November is World Prematurity Month. To honour and support the moms of preemies, we are sharing stories of moms who’ve been there and who can offer support from the other side of a long road. This is Maurita’s story.
Tell us about the day your baby was born.
My twin boys were born six weeks early with twin to twin transfusion. They weighed 1.6 and 2.1 kg.
Can you describe some of the emotions you experienced during the early days and weeks with your baby?
I was really overwhelmed at first and especially by the breastfeeding pump that was presented to me with the request to deliver milk for two babies, sometimes for up to three feeds at a time. I joined the twin association and found myself phoning random people in tears just asking them how they had coped? I just needed to know I was not alone. That all would be well.
Do you have any words of encouragement for a mom who is currently waiting for her baby to come home?
I had to leave both babies at home and eventually only take Baby Ben home while leaving Baby Zach. I felt heartbroken but I also realised I was leaving them in good hands and could ‘recover’ and get some good nights sleep. Today my boys are 19 years old, bright, healthy and 6.3ft high! My best was one nurse who helped me to kangaroo care my little Zach who was wriggling and crying and very restless. She said, ‘Oh, he likes to face the window and look towards Table Mountain.’ And she adjusted his face towards the window. And Zach settled down immediately and fell asleep soon after. That blew me away. That she knew something I didn’t know and was so calm and collected with him.
Photo by Alex Hockett on Unsplash