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Motherhood and Me: Mothering Oyisile-Murhangeri

There are not enough words in all the languages to describe how motherhood makes me feel. I have been a mother for the past seven years and it has been a roller-coaster ride. The circumstances surrounding my daughter’s birth were traumatizing, to say the least, and that left me with a sense of responsibility to always strive to protect her. Being a young, single mom juggling studying and working made me grow up faster than I had expected and I had to filter commentary on how having my child had “changed” my destined path. Nevertheless, throughout my motherhood journey, I have learned that my daughter Oyisile Murhangeri (whose names loosely translate to victory and leader) moulded me into the person that I was destined to become. She has made me understand the true value of life and taught me how to persevere regardless of challenges, a trait that I could have possibly ignored if she was not here.


During this lockdown period in the midst of mini-breakdowns and tears in the shower, I find moments of comfort and laughter knowing that I could not have had a better “lockdown” partner. As a long distant parent, I usually have to settle for video calls and phone calls that leave me gutted and emotional knowing that I can’t be with my child so, before the lockdown period started, I brought my daughter to come to stay with me. To be honest, I overestimated my skills because it has been challenging! However, I find solace in the wonderful moments that I have had the pleasure of experiencing like baking a birthday cake, failing at making pancakes and having Minnie-Mouse inspired dance parties.


This Mother’s Day will be a different one for many moms who usually get pre-ordered gifts and planned outings. For the Embrace team, the pandemic means that we have had to pivot our annual Mother’s Day Connect campaign. However, I would like to let every mom across the country, from all walks of life and different backgrounds know that they are a force to be reckoned with.


Ubalulekile, kwaye umsebenzi owenzayo uyancomeka. Kunzima kwelilixa likaxakeka kodwa imizamo yakho ibonisa uthando onalo ngabantwana bakho. uThixo uyazibona iinzame zakho kwaye awukho wedwa.


Sikufisela usuku olubusisiwe, olugcwele uthando. Wenza kahle noma ungenakho okuningi. Uyisibusiso ezinganeni zakho.


Bomma, lea thabisa e le ruri, le dira tsohle Ka  bo kgoni Ka moka Ka bonnyane Bo le bang le bona. Rea le rata ebile  re bona seo le se dirang.


Yours in the Sisterhood of Motherhood,



  1. Motherhood really makes one reflect on the tiniest and happiest moments. I’m so glad you have this chance to create these memories with your daughter♥️

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