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Mama Themba offers antenatal, postnatal, and breastfeeding education and support to new mothers.
Somerset West
Western Cape
076 247 0580
Heart to Heart offers counselling for women facing unplanned pregnancies. The organisation also runs a food relief programme.
Mossel Bay
Western Cape
082 590 8468
U-Turn Homeless Services addresses homelessness through providing access to food, clothing, and shelter. The organisation aims to rehabilitate homeless people and reintegrate them into society.
Cape Town
Western Cape
021 674 6119
The Philani Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Trust runs programmes focusing on breastfeeding, nutrition, early childhood development, and child and maternal health.
Cape Town
Western Cape
021 387 5124
MomConnect is a free messaging service which provides information to pregnant women and mothers.
The Zoe Project offers support to mothers through programmes like antenatal classes, birth support, postnatal support, and counselling.
Cape Town
Western Cape
068 545 7759
African Solutions to African Problems (ASAP) provides counselling for vulnerable children in certain areas of the Eastern Cape. ASAP also funds other community organisations to provide food, shelter, and other resources to vulnerable children in their areas of operation. ASAP also runs food security and anti-gender-based violence programmes in the Eastern Cape.
Eastern Cape
039 737 4049