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The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women & Children provides shelter, counselling, and legal support for women who have experienced gender-based violence and their children.
Cape Town
Western Cape
021 633 5287
The Centre for Applied Legal Studies is based at the school of law at the University of the Witwatersrand. It is focused on research, advocacy, and litigation with the aim of promoting human rights in southern Africa.
011 717 8600
Black Sash is a human rights advocacy organisation which runs a free paralegal advice service for the public. This service, accessible via their helpline, covers issues of social assistance, social insurance, human rights, consumer rights, and labour rights.
Cape Town
Western Cape
072 663 3739
The Women's Legal Centre provides free legal advice to women, both via telephone and in person, in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, and at the Cape Town Family Court.
Cape Town
Western Cape
021 424 5660
People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) offers shelter, counselling, and legal support to women who have been affected by gender-based violence.
011 591 6803