If you’ve been following our #16DaysofActivism campaign, you would have seen that we’ve been raising awareness of a much-neglected aspect of gender-based violence (GBV): #ObstetricViolence.
Obstetric Violence (OV) refers to the mistreatment of birthing people by health care providers during pregnancy and childbirth and is a violation of their reproductive health rights and basic human rights. It results in physical or psychological harm during pregnancy, birth and post-partum and can lead to on-going physical and psychological trauma for the birthing person, fetus and newborn.
On 30 November 2021, we brought together two survivors of OV – Bongie Msibi and Amy Lester – to share their stories and speak out. They were joined by Basetsana Koitsioe of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Dr Jess Rucell of The Just Agency. Listen to their stories, and join the conversation.
Go to https://www.embrace.org.za/urgent-action-required-to-address-obstetric-violence-in-south-africa/ to join this cause today!
#16daysofactivism #obstetricviolence #gbv #movementformothers