This week, we commemorate #InternationalWomensDay2019. As with other such days, it is a mixed one. Whilst there is much to celebrate, with women making gains in and outside of our homes, there is still so much work to be done.
This year’s theme for this day is ‘better the balance, better the world’. Most of the focus of this year is on creating gender-balanced spaces throughout the world.
So, we want to ask you: what does balance look like for you in your world? Cindy Mkaza, who is featured in this week’s image, spoke about the joys of balancing and sharing parenting duties with her husband. Cindy says:
So for me the kindest person in my motherhood journey has been my husband. And I feel like he has been there since day one. He understands when I say “I need space; can you hold him for me?” And he volunteers to do things that I think that other men wouldn’t necessarily want to do like wash nappies with poo. And yeah, it was also just like in terms of during the birthing process, it is like he was… I feel like it was like a real hero just like playing a supportive role. When I was in pain like you know he would just follow what I said like: touch here, massage here, leave that, take this … diligently. Yeah, so I feel like he has really been the kindest this person, a person you know who understands and just like a great partner to be with on this journey.
We just wanted to remind you that balance looks different in everyone’s life. Whatever leaves you feeling heard, seen and supported is creating the right balance of forces for you. Check in with a fellow mom today and find out what helps her feel balanced?