F is for Family
F is for Family
F is for Family
E is for Exclusive Breastfeeding
D is for Depression
C is for Chronic Conditions
B is for Birth
A is for Affirmation
All mothers, irrespective of their socio-economic status, must have access to comprehensive breastfeeding support. This type of wrap-around support service must be robust enough to provide a sense of safety, belonging, empathy and cultural sensitivity that transcends the overly simplified tagline that “breast is best”.
K is for Knowledge
In order to increase our chances of breastfeeding success, we need to give serious consideration to what it means to give mothers comprehensive breastfeeding support that provides them a sense of safety, acceptance, understanding and sensitivity, and that transcends the frequently espoused, overly simplified epithet “breast is best”.
To the national departments of health and treasury Republic of South Africa Embrace is national movement for connected, supported and celebrated motherhood. We want to see every new mother embraced and flourishing from the start of her motherhood journey, understanding that an empowered and embraced